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Transportation and installation of a de-ethaniser tower, Argentina
14 de septiembre
14 septiembre 2017
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ALE has successfully transported and lifted a de-ethaniser tower, weighing 80t, as part of the Axion Energy Refinery Expansion Project in Campana, Argentina.

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The tower, measuring 43m long, was transported 2.7km from its storage area to the installation area, inside of Axion Energy Refinery. The tower was transported using 12 axle lines of conventional Goldhofer THP/SL trailers, and two spacers.

ALE then lifted the tower using the LR1400 as main crane and an LTM1250 as tailing crane to position the tower vertically and into its final position.

This operation was just one of the nine pieces of equipment being transported and lifted as part of the construction of the new Gas Plant within the Axion Energy refinery.

0 Responses

  1. Can anybody provide with an explanation what is the use for this unit, in a gas plant? Which part of the process relates and what is the goal. And by the way, a somere explanation of what is doing new Axion in the Campana refinery?

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